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Aslom Ullah
My Story
An educator that works to use technology to connect schools with the world outside the classroom, helping to foster trans-disciplinary skills within the young people of today in order to help them shape the world of tomorrow.
Aslom Ullah graduated with a BA First Class (Hons) and a Masters in English, before undertaking his PGCE at the UCL Institute of Education. He has been in education for over 15 years. Having worked in London as a Head of English, Aslom moved to Qatar because he wanted to take his profession to the international field. He arrived in Qatar in 2014, and has worked in three different British curriculum schools here. While undertaking the roles of Head of English and Head of Literacy here, Aslom has delivered a yearly presentation at Qatar Foundation’s Teaching and Learning Forum on the use of technology in the classroom. Aslom has continued to advocate for the way in which technology can be used to make the students of today world-ready, and how it can be used to foster those soft-skills within students that are required of them when they enter into the world of work.
Outside of his role in classrooms and lecture halls, Aslom works to give a voice to individuals within education that have made an impact on the profession. His podcast talks with various experts on well-being, school-improvement, dyslexia and physical health have been shared widely and, more importantly, allowed those that are working in education have their voices heard about what they do.